Provider Partners

"I was able to sit with a parent and her Care Coordinator to collaborate on eliminating some barriers to success. The amazing thing was at each goal there was a team of professionals all housed at OneHeart to assist with each step."

~Anita Deranleau, McKinney-Vento Homeless Coordinator for Rapid City Area Schools

Provider Partners

In all, OneHeart maintains memorandums of understanding with more than 30 nonprofit community partners - a massive collaborative that supports guests as they work to reach their goals.

~Bethany Christian Services

Provider Partners

"By being in the building we have been able to get to know each other better, which in turn helps us all communicate about services and think outside the box in our conversations about how to meet the needs of clients."

~Richelle Sims, MSW/CSW-PIP, QMHP (OneHeart Clinician)


Planning & Provider Engagement

OneHeart’s provider partners gather on a monthly basis to discuss matters related to guests, residential life, and OneHeart programming.

As the campus concept was being developed, representatives from many of these agencies were directly involved in small workgroups focusing on campus priority areas: site planning, the referral/intake process, Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database, life safety, childcare, and the transformation process. In addition, the Native Leadership Circle guided the cultural aspects of the campus, and a Young Adult Advisory Council (comprised of young people who had experienced homelessness, poverty, or foster care themselves) helped to inform staff on how best to serve youth at OneHeart.